What is the Lightning Network

What is Lightning Network

So, what’s the deal with Lightning Network? Well, it all comes down to Bitcoin’s scalability issues, particularly the speed and cost of transactions.

Bitcoin’s current capacity tops out at around 10 transactions per second (TPS), while traditional giants like VISA handle thousands of transactions per second. Plus, Bitcoin transaction fees can swing wildly, from a hefty $50+ to a more manageable $2.50.

BTC vs Paypal vs Visa, on TPS.

Enter Lightning Network (LN). This solution aims to turbocharge Bitcoin by creating off-chain payment channels between users. Instead of every transaction hitting the blockchain, LN allows for lightning-fast and cheap transactions, theoretically making Bitcoin suitable for everyday payments.

How Does Lightning Network Work?

LN is Layer 2 solutions. Meaning, it sets up a payment channel between two parties, where only the first and last transactions are recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain. Everything in between happens off-chain, bypassing the limitations of the Bitcoin protocol. Hence, taking off the load from BTC protocol, while also making transactions fast.

How to use it

It’s very simple. Get the Lightning Network wallet, like Muun, Wallet of Satoshi, or any other one. Most of them are available on Phone. Send BTC in that wallet, and use it to buy whatever product or service you want.

The Catch with Lightning Network

Running a LN node isn’t a walk in the park. To succeed, LN needs a robust network of nodes, but setting up and maintaining a node can be tricky. Plus, there’s the issue of incentives for running smaller nodes, which could pose a problem.

Then there’s the user experience. Non-custodial LN wallets, while more secure, can be confusing and less user-friendly compared to their custodial counterparts.

And let’s not forget the competition. LN is up against Ethereum’s WBTC, which already boasts faster transaction times and access to decentralized finance (DeFi). As Ethereum evolves with projects like ETH 2.0 and Ethereum Plasma, LN may find itself facing obsolescence.

The Road Ahead for Lightning Network

Despite its challenges, Lightning Network is still in its infancy. Developers are working hard to solve the issues and scale Bitcoin on layer-2. With time and effort, Lightning Network could be the boost Bitcoin needs to become a true everyday currency.