What Are NFT Royalties?

What Are NFT Royalties?

NFT royalties are payments made to the original creator of a non-fungible token (NFT) whenever the NFT is sold. This system allows artists to earn money not just from the initial sale of their digital art but from every subsequent sale as well. Essentially, it provides artists with a continuous stream of income from a single digital asset.

Real-World Analogy

Think of it like writing a hit song. You create it, sell it to a record label, and get paid initially. But every time the song is played on the radio or sold for use in commercials, you receive a royalty payment. It’s like choosing both a lump sum and ongoing payouts from winning the lottery.

How Do NFT Royalty Fees Work?

NFT royalties are straightforward. When an artist creates (or mints) an NFT, they set a royalty percentage and specify their payout wallet. This royalty percentage is then embedded in the smart contract of the NFT. Every time the NFT is resold, the specified percentage of the sale price is automatically transferred to the creator’s wallet.

How Royalties Are Calculated

Calculating royalties is simple. If an artist sets a royalty rate of 5% and the NFT sells for 5 ETH (Ethereum), the royalty would be:

5 ETH * 0.05 = 0.25 ETH.

This 0.25 ETH is automatically sent to the creator’s wallet upon the sale.

Benefits of Royalties for Creators

NFT royalties offer several advantages for creators:

  1. Continuous Income: Artists earn money every time their NFT is resold, providing a source of long-term passive income.
  2. Incentive to Create: This ongoing income stream enables artists to continue producing new works without relying solely on initial sales.
  3. Income Record: Royalties create a trackable income history, which can be beneficial for financial planning and valuation.

Potential Drawbacks

One potential downside is that setting the royalty percentage too high might discourage buyers, affecting the NFT’s resale potential.


NFT royalties are a powerful tool for digital creators, enabling them to earn from their work continuously. By setting a reasonable royalty percentage during the minting process, artists can ensure they receive fair compensation for their creations, not just initially but over the lifetime of the NFT.