How to Choose NFT Project

Go with What You Love

First and foremost, choose an NFT that genuinely excites you. Beyond hunting for the next big project, find something that resonates with you. Do you love its design? Are you intrigued by its story? Your interest should guide your decision.

For instance, if you’re a sports enthusiast, dive into sports NFTs. If you’re passionate about collectible projects that support charity or foster community, that’s your niche to explore.

Check the Team’s Reputation

This step is crucial. Research the people behind the project thoroughly. Don’t rely solely on the endorsements of NFT influencers or social media promotions. Nowadays, it’s wiser to invest in projects led by known (doxxed) teams rather than anonymous ones, as the latter can be prone to scams.

Investigate the artists involved—do you like their previous work? Do they have a good reputation? The project’s website usually provides information about the team or brand. Beware of celebrities launching NFTs and then disappearing with the money. Popularity doesn’t always equal legitimacy.

To gauge the credibility of a team, look at their bios, backgrounds, and talk to other NFT buyers. Don’t shy away from asking questions and doing your homework!

Engage with the Community

Understanding the community’s involvement can give you a good sense of the project’s potential. Join the project’s Discord channel to see the level of engagement. However, remember that a large Discord group doesn’t necessarily mean the project is legitimate. Be cautious of projects with rapid and unusual growth.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Investment

Determine your investment goal. If you’re aiming for a quick flip, look for NFTs currently hot on the market. This requires staying active in the NFT space, but remember, profits aren’t guaranteed. For long-term investments, choose NFTs with a solid community, a promising roadmap, and a reliable team.

Check platforms like OpenSea and CryptoSlam for trending projects and trading volume stats. Keep in mind, though, that hype can fade quickly.

Never Invest Money You Can’t Afford to Lose

NFTs are a risky investment. Don’t put in money that you can’t afford to lose or that would jeopardize your financial security. Wait until you have extra funds. Always be prepared for the possibility that the project might not meet your expectations.

Evaluate the Roadmap

Investing in a project with a well-defined and partially completed roadmap is generally safer. While you might not get the NFT at the lowest price, this strategy reduces risk if you believe in the project’s long-term potential.