What Is a Multisig Wallet?

What Is a Multisig Wallet?

When it comes to storing cryptocurrency, there’s a divide between hot and cold storage advocates. Hot storage is popular due to its convenience and low costs, while cold storage fans emphasize security with the slogan: “not your keys, not your crypto.” However, cold storage isn’t always practical, especially when a business or group, like family, needs to keep crypto assets safe online. That’s where multisig wallets come in.

Understanding Multisig Wallets

Multisig wallets, short for multi-signature wallets, require two or more private keys to complete certain actions. This boosts security by ensuring multiple parties must approve a transaction before it goes through. Imagine it as a safe that needs several unique keys to open.

There are various types of multisig wallets, but they generally fall into two categories:

  1. All-Party Approval: Requires all designated parties (e.g., three out of three keys) to sign off on transactions.
  2. Partial Approval: Requires a subset of parties (e.g., two out of three or three out of five keys) to approve transactions.

Advantages of Using a Multisig Wallet

Multisig wallets offer numerous benefits beyond enhanced security and the need for multiple approvals, particularly useful for institutions and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

No ‘Key Person’ Risk

Multisig wallets eliminate the “key person” risk, where the success of a company relies heavily on one individual. In traditional setups, if one person controls a wallet’s seed phrase, there’s a single point of failure. Multisig wallets mitigate this risk by requiring multiple signatures, reducing the chance of any one person compromising the funds.

Greater Transparency

These wallets provide increased transparency. Transaction policies, signers, and actual transactions are publicly available on the blockchain or in the wallet’s code. This transparency ensures clear rules and accountability for those involved in managing the funds.


Multisig wallets are smart wallets, meaning they can be easily adjusted or upgraded to meet the specific needs of an institution or DAO. Developers can build on top of these wallets to create protocols for more complex actions like DAO voting or asset management services. Platforms like Juicebox enable groups to create community-owned, programmable wallets with the power of multisig functionality.


Multisig wallets offer a secure, transparent, and customizable solution for managing crypto assets, especially in scenarios where multiple parties are involved. By requiring multiple approvals for transactions, these wallets enhance security and reduce risks, making them an ideal choice for businesses and groups looking to safely manage their cryptocurrency holdings.