What Is Bitcoin Dominance?

What Does BTC Dominance Mean?

Bitcoin dominance, is a key metric in the cryptocurrency market that measures the ratio of Bitcoin’s market capitalization to the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies. Understanding this metric provides insights into Bitcoin’s relative strength within the broader crypto market and helps traders make informed decisions. This can make or break your trading strategy as it is one of the important macro metrics.

Bitcoin Dominance

What Is BTC Dominance?

In more detail, BTC dominance is expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing Bitcoin’s market cap by the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies. For instance, if Bitcoin’s market cap is $600 billion and the total crypto market cap is $1.2 trillion, Bitcoin dominance would be approximately 50%. This percentage reflects Bitcoin’s share of the total value of the cryptocurrency market.

Market Cap

To calculate Bitcoin’s market cap, multiply the number of bitcoins in circulation by the current market price per coin. With around 19.6 million bitcoins in existence (out of a maximum supply of 21 million) and each trading at roughly $60,000, the market cap is over $1.1 trillion.

How Crypto Traders Use Bitcoin Dominance

BTC dominance is derived from the relationship between Bitcoin and the broader crypto market. It serves as a valuable metric for crypto traders, providing a market pulse, risk management insights, and potential trend and trading opportunities when combined with other data sets.

Historically, Bitcoin’s price movements have heavily influenced the broader crypto market, including altcoins, due to its significant market share. This high positive correlation means that many altcoins react to Bitcoin’s price trends. Thus, understanding BTC dominance can also offer insights into trends within the altcoin market.

While BTC dominance has been declining due to the growing number of altcoins and market diversification, its fluctuations still offer valuable indicators for traders. These changes can signal different phases of the market, guiding traders on how to position their investments.

What Happens When Bitcoin Dominance Goes Up?

A rise in BTC dominance usually signals a market sentiment of fear. This is because investors often view Bitcoin as a safer asset compared to altcoins, leading them to consolidate their holdings in Bitcoin during times of uncertainty. This behavior is reflected in the Crypto Fear and Greed Index, which uses BTC dominance as one of its data sources to gauge overall market sentiment.

What Happens When Bitcoin Dominance Drops?

A decrease in BTC dominance can signal the onset of an altcoin season. During altcoin season, many altcoins experience rapid price increases against both the dollar and Bitcoin, reducing Bitcoin’s share of the total crypto market. This period is marked by heightened interest and investment in altcoins, which outperform Bitcoin, leading to a decrease in BTC dominance.


BTC dominance is a crucial metric for understanding Bitcoin’s position within the cryptocurrency market. It helps traders gauge market sentiment, identify trends, and make strategic decisions. Monitoring BTC dominance alongside other market data, is crucial to adapt the market and stay on top.